A letter from
our founder


1) finding the new in the familiar and 2) experiencing things that are completely NEW. There is something uniquely special about trying something for the very first time and potentially being really (and I mean REALLY) bad at it.

As tempting as it is to stay in our comfort zone and cling to the labels we think define us, it is this “unboxing” that allows growth and awareness of our authentic selves - it requires grit, persistence, and a willingness to fail - it requires moxie. It was through this continuous questioning and pushing myself to keep exploring and growing as a mover and a human that MOX was born.

I dreamed of creating a space for a community of movers that feels like home.

A space you can come to for a movement experience - not just a workout. A space where you walk in and people say hi and flash a genuine smile whether they know you or not. A space where your worth is not determined by how put together you look or whether or not you have the cutest “on trend” outfit on. A space where you can fall down and others will help lift you back up. A space where you can just be and express yourself through movement and stillness.

That place is MOX &
YOU are welcome.

I can’t wait to see you

Our Vision

We believe everyone has the ability to understand what it means to be a human mover and through an integrated approach support people to learn about their bodies and their capabilities. Movement is more than just a noun. Movement as a practice allows for rich educational opportunities to grow and evolve. By offering both individual practice opportunities as well as community classes, we provide each student with a road map for discovery of self and others.

Our mission

With an emphasis on maintaining a beginner’s mind, Mox Movement embraces duality of yin and yang and freedom and structure to support self discovery and connection with others through movement and community.

Our beliefs

  • When your mind is open, you are receptive to the possibilities and different ways of approaching tasks. You see creative solutions because you have an expanded perspective and readily ask for help and support when needed. Through this lens, every day and experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.

  • Our goal is to keep your mind and body ready to tackle all of life. A regular movement practice has the potential to improve one’s overall physical health and mental well-being. The movement practice we offer at MOX also supports neuroplasticity and provides opportunities for social interaction reducing feelings of isolation. All these things together result in a healthier, happier, more supported YOU - ready to take on life the way you want to live it.

  • Your movement practice is just that… YOURS. A movement practice can help to provide structure and guidance for learning about yourself and tools for personal growth, well-being, and achieving your goals. Your practice empowers you to take control of your life, cultivate positive habits, and make meaningful progress toward becoming the best version of you.

  • When working alone (but among others) you can create an internal environment that allows for focus and concentration and progress at your own pace.

    Working WITH others offers the chance for communication and collaboration and provides opportunities to ask questions and lean on others for support.

    Magic happens when you have a combination of both.

  • We are a local woman owned and operated business that prioritizes the needs of our teachers, our students, and the community at large. We believe in empowering our teachers, giving them the freedom to support their students and let their expertise shine. We create a space for our students to feel seen, safe, and supported. We work with the local community to identify ways to make a positive impact in our neighborhood.